You may be able to find MP3 for practice purposes at Choralia site.
Other musical resources - scores, MIDI files, etc. - are often available on the Choral Public Domain Library site.
An extensive range of MIDI tracks is also available from the UK website "John's Midi File Choral Music site".
If you prefer to buy rehearsal tracks on CD, then there is a UK company Music Dynamics, trading under the name of ChoraLine, which sells practice material in CD or MP3 form - N.B. discount available see below.
Music scores at a discount
Although we provide all the scores for our concerts - either hired from Wiltshire Council or from our own library - you may like to buy your own. If you do, don't forget you can get a 10% discount from Choraline by quoting our discount code BATHCAN.
Other musical resources - scores, MIDI files, etc. - are often available on the Choral Public Domain Library site.
An extensive range of MIDI tracks is also available from the UK website "John's Midi File Choral Music site".
If you prefer to buy rehearsal tracks on CD, then there is a UK company Music Dynamics, trading under the name of ChoraLine, which sells practice material in CD or MP3 form - N.B. discount available see below.
Music scores at a discount
Although we provide all the scores for our concerts - either hired from Wiltshire Council or from our own library - you may like to buy your own. If you do, don't forget you can get a 10% discount from Choraline by quoting our discount code BATHCAN.
Past performers and members of Bath Cantata Group have included
Janet Baker, Alfred Deller, Nathalie Dolmetsch, Yehudi Menuhin, John Shirley-Quirk, Michael Tippett.